12 Feb, 2024 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

Job interview, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

12 Feb, 2024 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

The job interview is the first contact with a candidate. To ensure that his profile matches the requirements of the job, companies are tempted to screen him. But there are limits to an employer's curiosity.

During the job interview, the employer may not, in principle, ask questions relating to the candidate's private sphere. The same applies to questions about the candidate's criminal record, financial situation or health, or a candidate's desire to have children. However, a question that may appear personal may be justified depending on the position for which the candidate is applying.

This article covers the following topics:

  • lawfulness of questions during a job interview
  • the applicant's financial situation
  • criminal record
  • extract from the criminal record and right to oblivion
  • maternity wishes

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